Friday, May 2, 2014

Why we regret and why we shouldn't.

Regrets, a very common feeling that we have. Some people can handle regrets with ease and will move on quickly, but some just can't let it go. Therefore, today i will discuss this very common thing that we all feel.

I have many regrets. I regret on why didn't i study harder for my exams. Why didn't i just take the first step to approach her. Why didn't I... All these have one thing in common, and that is they are all opportunities that i didn't take when i have them. Very often people only understand the true value of certain things after they have lost it and we regret because what is done cannot be reverse. I am sure most of you know what is the feeling of regret and thus i won't be elaborating further.

However, i think regret is a necessary evil for us to be mature, to learn from our mistakes. Well at least for most people, when we regret on something, we do not want to regret again when opportunity comes again, so we would try our best to seize it. So in a way, having regrets can be a form of motivation for us to improve ourselves. It is hard for some people to move on from regrets but at the end of the day we are only making ourselves suffer by dwelling too long over regrets. Be clear of your dreams and goals. There will always be a path that will lead to your dreams, if there isn't, make one. Sometimes opportunities are created by ourselves and only we can control what we do and how to  do it. So those who are feeling miserable because of regrets, it is time to stand up and move on, change those regrets into motivation. Remind yourself that in order not to feel terrible over regrets again, we must move each step with care and consideration. There is no end unless you put a full stop by yourself.


Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The " last minute " people.

I am sure everyone had encountered "last minute" situations. However, i will just be focusing on last minute changes as i am guessing this is what most of us can relate to. i am also particularly sensitive to such issues as it can be really annoying at times.

Last minute changes, something which i hate the most and must learn to accept. In what kind of scenario does this always happens? Outings. Friends outings, class outings all sorts of outings. E.g, when the class agreed on a date and place to go, one person will say they CMI (Can't make it) and some how this will trigger a chain reaction and end up 5 or 7 people CMI. In the end, outing got postponed and then forgotten. Not only class outings, friends outings also have such issues. No offence but ladies are often the ones who trigger the chain reaction. Of course some guys as well.

So why? i guess most of you will know. My best friend not going i will feel awkward so i am not going too or this particular person i want to meet not going so i CMI too. Well,  but aren't we in the same class or clique of friends together? Don't we all know each other? So why awkward? okay, never mind, these are just my personal opinion. However, sometimes when people say CMI and the excuses they give is just too unreal. E.g: I got flu. I got headache. My family visiting relatives. My parents don't let me go out. etc. I mean come on, it is very easy to tell whether you are lying or not. What is worst is that some people expose themselves on the social network. I mean, friends right? Why do this kind of hypocritical things? If you really don't want to go, just say don't want. Yes it can sound rude but i rather you tell the truth than to lie.

Finally, i think it all boils down to a person's responsibility and commitment. If we already promise someone to go out, we should stick to that promise. Yes, there is always last minute things that pops out randomly but just don't lie about it. It is really obvious that someone is lying. Furthermore, it shows how important you are as a friend to the person. It is very simple for us to say CMI but is hard for the other party. Firstly, the excitement to an outing will all turn into disappointment. Secondly, his  day is ruin as he can do better things instead of an outing but because of last minute changes, he have nothing to do. So people, think twice before you promise others something and when you really do, stick to it. Is a form of respect to other people and is also a responsibility issue. So do what the picture says.

All these are just my personal opinions. no right or wrong :)


Saturday, April 12, 2014

Singapore school uniform VS Asian countries uniform.

For 12 years of education in Singapore, I have never once felt that my uniform is nice. Yes, NEVER. Why? When you read on you will know why. I will share with you school uniforms of various Asian countries and lets do a comparison. I will start of with the ones i think that is nicer.

Korean School Uniform.

Look at that look at that.Their uniform is very much like the UK. Shirt, blazer, tie and long pants. Personally, i think this is how an uniform should be. So neat, so smart. Gives every student a charismatic boost. Guys look more charming and girls look more pretty. If i were to go and study in Korea, this would be one of the reason why.

Japanese School Uniform.

Here comes the Japanese. Well, you can see girls are wearing sailor's style and guys is what i call in Chinese the "zhong shan fu" 中山服。 This is so because Sun Yat san loves to wear this kind of suits. Okay anyway, i am quite fond of their uniform firstly because they look rather smart and neat and formal. Maybe this picture isn't a very good example but Japanese's school uniform is definitely one of the better ones. 

Singapore School Uniform.

Now, our very own homeland uniform. See the difference? Every part of the uniform looks baggy. Although they are also shirts and long pants/skirt, there is just something missing. Maybe is the classy feeling. What's worst is the colour combination, it is just speechless. I am sure most of you who wore a Singapore school uniform will understand. Now you know how jealous i am towards the two countries on top.  
P.S: My comments is general, not particular towards the school in the picture.

Chinese School Uniform

Well, luckily we are not the worst. This is the Chinese school uniform. Yes, as you can see, normal Chinese schools typically have sports wear as their uniform. Furthermore, Asian parents are very cautious of their child's rapid growth rate, so they usually buy 2 to 3 sizes bigger so that their uniform can be use longer in a sense. It just make students look sloppy, untidy and lack of energy. Super model figure will look fat with it. 

Finally, i think uniform is a very important aspect of a school. It not only serves the purpose of having a common identity, signifying unity, it can also boost a student's confidence and love towards the school. IF the uniform is nice and with a high turn back rate while walking on the streets, students will feel proud of their school and feel honourable to be part of the school. These affections towards the school in students will have a great impact on both the school and the students. In a good way. So Singapore, yes, we are a tropical country and wearing blazers all day long isn't sensible at all. But at the  very least, inculcate some fashion sense into the design of an uniform. Don't just make the whole uniform yellow or blue and make your student look like a Smurf or a walking Banana. 

All these are just my personal opinions. Like i said, there is no write or wrong here, only perspectives. Feel free to share your opinion ;)


Thursday, April 10, 2014

"I am so gonna fail the exam" Gets A

Today i am going to discuss about, well as the title suggests. I am sure most of us have friends that is like the person in the picture. I don't mean looks of course. Whether you like it or not, this kind of people will always be there and they say the same thing after every exam without fail.  Why is that so??? Well i have some views on it.

I think the very main reason that people says such thing after their exam to others is to safeguard their pride. When you tell people you didn't study but you actually did and you failed. People will most likely think that is because you are not prepared. So safeguarding some pride in you. However, if you pass and with flying colours and say you got lucky, NO ONE IS GOING TO BELIEVE YOU. Once, twice is alright. IF this becomes a habit, it will just annoy those that studied hard and fail and those who are telling the truth. And this is bad.

Most of the time these people don't know they are annoying people around them. Friends are unlikely to tell them also because they are afraid they will offend them. So, on our side, what we can do is just ignore it. Yes, the best way. Is not something that we can control and is not something that will affect us in anyway. So why should we care? Honestly, i used to hate these kind of traits in people but i just got over with it. Why should i get angry with something that isn't affecting me? That's quite foolish.

Of course, everyone of us have committed and fell victim to such things. However, as long as you know where is the limit, it is alright. For me, i will just say the truth. I studied or never. At least i am honest to myself and to other people and i think this will add more value to other people's impression of you than being a "smart" person and fails only because "didnt" study.

Well these are all my personal views, there is no right or wrong here. Feel free to leave a comment if you have any opinions as well :)


Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Tips on interview.

Interviews is a necessary evil to most of us. For people like me, going to university, is scared of interviews but is an important stage that determines our application outcome. So i am sharing some of the tips that i have learned and hope to help those who are totally helpless.

Don't be Mr Obvious.
What i mean is simply don't speak of things that the interviewer already know about you. E.g, When the interviewer ask you to tell them more about yourself,  don't say things such as your age, where you live all those information that is on the application form. Talk more about your hobbies, personalities, life experiences. These are things that they don't know and wants to know about you.

Sell Yourself
The main purpose of an interview is for YOU to CONVINCE THEM why the university should admit you. Hence very easy, say how you can be a benefit to the university. E.g, I am a very outgoing person and likes to socialise. This makes me very willing to participate in service learning programmes and even organise one for the university to allow students to do more for the community. Ya something like that. Link your hobbies and personalities to benefits which makes you someone the university wants. Do not just stop on what you are, continue to how you can.

Be Prepared.
Yes, interviews can be random in the questions they ask. however, they will definitely have some standard questions like: Tell us more about yourself,, Why do you want this course, Why you choose this uni... Make sure you do some research about what you are applying for before you go. This shows a lot how on enthusiastic you are towards the course and it also boost your confidence. Make a note on points on what you are going to say on questions you predicting. It will secure your memory and prevent you from panicking. If they ask if you have any questions for them, say yes. Ask something in depth, it shows your enthusiasm.

Look Smart.
Your first impression is VERY important. Make sure you wear appropriately. I saw this girl wearing tank tops with jeans and slippers. If you are the interviewer how would you feel, you are having a chit chat session with me in Starbucks????? Also, your body language is important. Interviewers will look out for that. Make sure you use hand gestures during the interview as it shows your confidence and don't fidget around or play with the chair. It shows how restless you are and how you wish you can be out of here fast.

Be Polite
This is quite common sense but apparently common sense aren't so common nowadays. Ya, smile, make eye contact and offer to shake hands with the interviewers. If they reject no worries, is their problem. Can be a LITTLE humorous at times. Don't go overboard.

These are just some tips from me on interviews. Of course interview is full of uncertainties. Make sure you are prepared for them to ask any weird questions and take note, don't rush for your answer. Being quick have no credits. Be clear, be rational. Being nervous is very normal, humans are afraid of uncertainties. Just remember, interview is an opportunity to get what you want. Is like convincing your parents to buy you something. You have to go and get it if you want it! 

Go youtube and look up for interview tips. There are plenty ;)


Monday, April 7, 2014


Have you ever felt that you have no idea why you are living on earth? Have you ever felt that you do not actually have a purpose in life? Yes. it is normal to have such feelings because most people will ask themselves such questions. However, there is an extreme case to this and is when you are tired of life, losing hope in life. That is when, you are lost.

I am lost. Not too long ago. During my JC 2, things starts going downhill for me. Results, social life, almost anything i care about is just not the way i wanted it to be. Adding fuel to fire, i discover i have a medical emergency during just a month before my A levels. I broke down. I felt lost and i keep asking myself all the questions i mentioned above. To a point when i want to give up.

How did i manage to pull myself back together? Well, it is the power of family and friends. I was naive and selfish. When i did not get what i expect from my family and friends, i got angry, i got upset. This is a VERY VERY big mistake of me. For family,  they will always be by your side, they will never leave you behind. For friends, through this experience i realise one thing. True friends may not be the ones that chats with you very often, but those that come to you when you are in need. 

Am i sad about such unfortunate things? Yes i am. But i am glad at the same time. I have learned a lot. Experienced a lot. We often focus too much on uncertainties, things that we cannot control and missed out the things that we can make a change. This is very negative and bad to your emotional state. To me, i got back on track with my life because i have a goal. With a goal, a dream, there is a direction on how you should achieve it. This is one thing that i use to prevent myself from being lost again. In my opinion, you can only truly understand what i am talking about only when you have similar experience. Just know that when you are lost, do not worry, the people that cares about you will help you find your way.


Sunday, April 6, 2014


Well hello, I am Jacky, a typical skinny young adult that has trouble growing bigger in body size. This blog i will not share too much of my daily life and blah blah blah all the nonsense. However, what i am going to write here is mainly about my personal views towards certain social trends and events. Take note, is PERSONAL views, so do not take it too hard if you are of opposing views with me. Of course, i welcome my readers to share their own thoughts with me. After all, right or wrong to me is just perspectives.  So, lets embark.
