Monday, April 7, 2014


Have you ever felt that you have no idea why you are living on earth? Have you ever felt that you do not actually have a purpose in life? Yes. it is normal to have such feelings because most people will ask themselves such questions. However, there is an extreme case to this and is when you are tired of life, losing hope in life. That is when, you are lost.

I am lost. Not too long ago. During my JC 2, things starts going downhill for me. Results, social life, almost anything i care about is just not the way i wanted it to be. Adding fuel to fire, i discover i have a medical emergency during just a month before my A levels. I broke down. I felt lost and i keep asking myself all the questions i mentioned above. To a point when i want to give up.

How did i manage to pull myself back together? Well, it is the power of family and friends. I was naive and selfish. When i did not get what i expect from my family and friends, i got angry, i got upset. This is a VERY VERY big mistake of me. For family,  they will always be by your side, they will never leave you behind. For friends, through this experience i realise one thing. True friends may not be the ones that chats with you very often, but those that come to you when you are in need. 

Am i sad about such unfortunate things? Yes i am. But i am glad at the same time. I have learned a lot. Experienced a lot. We often focus too much on uncertainties, things that we cannot control and missed out the things that we can make a change. This is very negative and bad to your emotional state. To me, i got back on track with my life because i have a goal. With a goal, a dream, there is a direction on how you should achieve it. This is one thing that i use to prevent myself from being lost again. In my opinion, you can only truly understand what i am talking about only when you have similar experience. Just know that when you are lost, do not worry, the people that cares about you will help you find your way.


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