Thursday, April 10, 2014

"I am so gonna fail the exam" Gets A

Today i am going to discuss about, well as the title suggests. I am sure most of us have friends that is like the person in the picture. I don't mean looks of course. Whether you like it or not, this kind of people will always be there and they say the same thing after every exam without fail.  Why is that so??? Well i have some views on it.

I think the very main reason that people says such thing after their exam to others is to safeguard their pride. When you tell people you didn't study but you actually did and you failed. People will most likely think that is because you are not prepared. So safeguarding some pride in you. However, if you pass and with flying colours and say you got lucky, NO ONE IS GOING TO BELIEVE YOU. Once, twice is alright. IF this becomes a habit, it will just annoy those that studied hard and fail and those who are telling the truth. And this is bad.

Most of the time these people don't know they are annoying people around them. Friends are unlikely to tell them also because they are afraid they will offend them. So, on our side, what we can do is just ignore it. Yes, the best way. Is not something that we can control and is not something that will affect us in anyway. So why should we care? Honestly, i used to hate these kind of traits in people but i just got over with it. Why should i get angry with something that isn't affecting me? That's quite foolish.

Of course, everyone of us have committed and fell victim to such things. However, as long as you know where is the limit, it is alright. For me, i will just say the truth. I studied or never. At least i am honest to myself and to other people and i think this will add more value to other people's impression of you than being a "smart" person and fails only because "didnt" study.

Well these are all my personal views, there is no right or wrong here. Feel free to leave a comment if you have any opinions as well :)


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