Saturday, April 12, 2014

Singapore school uniform VS Asian countries uniform.

For 12 years of education in Singapore, I have never once felt that my uniform is nice. Yes, NEVER. Why? When you read on you will know why. I will share with you school uniforms of various Asian countries and lets do a comparison. I will start of with the ones i think that is nicer.

Korean School Uniform.

Look at that look at that.Their uniform is very much like the UK. Shirt, blazer, tie and long pants. Personally, i think this is how an uniform should be. So neat, so smart. Gives every student a charismatic boost. Guys look more charming and girls look more pretty. If i were to go and study in Korea, this would be one of the reason why.

Japanese School Uniform.

Here comes the Japanese. Well, you can see girls are wearing sailor's style and guys is what i call in Chinese the "zhong shan fu" 中山服。 This is so because Sun Yat san loves to wear this kind of suits. Okay anyway, i am quite fond of their uniform firstly because they look rather smart and neat and formal. Maybe this picture isn't a very good example but Japanese's school uniform is definitely one of the better ones. 

Singapore School Uniform.

Now, our very own homeland uniform. See the difference? Every part of the uniform looks baggy. Although they are also shirts and long pants/skirt, there is just something missing. Maybe is the classy feeling. What's worst is the colour combination, it is just speechless. I am sure most of you who wore a Singapore school uniform will understand. Now you know how jealous i am towards the two countries on top.  
P.S: My comments is general, not particular towards the school in the picture.

Chinese School Uniform

Well, luckily we are not the worst. This is the Chinese school uniform. Yes, as you can see, normal Chinese schools typically have sports wear as their uniform. Furthermore, Asian parents are very cautious of their child's rapid growth rate, so they usually buy 2 to 3 sizes bigger so that their uniform can be use longer in a sense. It just make students look sloppy, untidy and lack of energy. Super model figure will look fat with it. 

Finally, i think uniform is a very important aspect of a school. It not only serves the purpose of having a common identity, signifying unity, it can also boost a student's confidence and love towards the school. IF the uniform is nice and with a high turn back rate while walking on the streets, students will feel proud of their school and feel honourable to be part of the school. These affections towards the school in students will have a great impact on both the school and the students. In a good way. So Singapore, yes, we are a tropical country and wearing blazers all day long isn't sensible at all. But at the  very least, inculcate some fashion sense into the design of an uniform. Don't just make the whole uniform yellow or blue and make your student look like a Smurf or a walking Banana. 

All these are just my personal opinions. Like i said, there is no write or wrong here, only perspectives. Feel free to share your opinion ;)


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