Friday, May 2, 2014

Why we regret and why we shouldn't.

Regrets, a very common feeling that we have. Some people can handle regrets with ease and will move on quickly, but some just can't let it go. Therefore, today i will discuss this very common thing that we all feel.

I have many regrets. I regret on why didn't i study harder for my exams. Why didn't i just take the first step to approach her. Why didn't I... All these have one thing in common, and that is they are all opportunities that i didn't take when i have them. Very often people only understand the true value of certain things after they have lost it and we regret because what is done cannot be reverse. I am sure most of you know what is the feeling of regret and thus i won't be elaborating further.

However, i think regret is a necessary evil for us to be mature, to learn from our mistakes. Well at least for most people, when we regret on something, we do not want to regret again when opportunity comes again, so we would try our best to seize it. So in a way, having regrets can be a form of motivation for us to improve ourselves. It is hard for some people to move on from regrets but at the end of the day we are only making ourselves suffer by dwelling too long over regrets. Be clear of your dreams and goals. There will always be a path that will lead to your dreams, if there isn't, make one. Sometimes opportunities are created by ourselves and only we can control what we do and how to  do it. So those who are feeling miserable because of regrets, it is time to stand up and move on, change those regrets into motivation. Remind yourself that in order not to feel terrible over regrets again, we must move each step with care and consideration. There is no end unless you put a full stop by yourself.


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